Zesty Cabbage Mung Sprouts with Avocado

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Zesty Cabbage Mung Sprouts with Avocado

Olive Oil – 1 tbsp
chopped ginger – 1 tsp
Chopped garlic – 1 tsp
chopped red cabbage – 1 cup
mung sprouts – 1 cup
tomato (diced)-1
lima beans (boiled) – 1 cup
spinach – 1 cup
avocado (sliced) -1
lemon -1/2
sage – 2 leaves
thyme – 1 small srpig
basil 3-4 leaves

1. Heat oil in a pan. Saute ginger garlic for a minute.
2. Add the finely chopped cabbage and saute for another minute.
3. Turn off the heat and rest of the ingredients.
4. Finely chop the herbs.
5. Squeeze lemon juice and mix all the ingrdients.
6. Eat fresh, stay healthy!

Nutrition Pearls:

Cabbage can provide you with some special cholesterol-lowering benefits.The fiber-related components in cabbage do a better job of binding together with bile acids in your digestive tract when they’ve been steamed. When this binding process takes place, it’s easier for bile acids to be excreted, and the result is a lowering of your cholesterol levels.

It’s also worth making a special note about the omega-3s found in cabbage. Ordinarily, we simply do not think about this cruciferous vegetable as a source of omega-3s. For that matter, we do not think about cabbage as source of any type of fat. And we are right in this overall type of thinking. Cabbage is not a fatty food! But among the little bit of fat it contains, there is a surprising amount of one particular omega-3 fatty acid called alpha-linolenic acid, or ALA. There is actually far more ALA in 100 calories of cabbage than there is in 100 calories of salmon!Research on cruciferous vegetables and inflammation points to the omega-3 content of cruciferous vegetables as a potentially critical component of their unique health benefits.

Hope you enjoy this quick and easy recipe!


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January 7, 2017