Ulcerative Colitis
I was struggling with weight loss related to intermittent flare ups of Ulcerative Colitis and so I decided to seek help of a registered dietitian specializing in Functional Medicine. Aarti was thorough in her nutrition assessment and in evaluating my triggers that caused inflammation. She suggested an expansive array of tests to understand my food triggers, nutritional deficiencies and infections. We identified my reactive and acceptable foods, utilized simple but powerful tools such food diary and symptom tracker. We corrected my vitamin and nutrient deficiencies with the use of appropriate supplements. I also eliminated gluten and reduced dairy from diet along with my other food triggers. Aarti suggested tasteful recipes and alternatives, along with providing a comprehensive list of alternate sources of non-dairy protein.
In a period of 7 months I gained 16 lbs., overall have better mood, energy and experience a feeling of wellbeing and calmness. I am currently in complete remission from the symptoms of Ulcerative Colitis. I feel excellent and energetic.
I would recommend Aarti to anyone who is committed to make an improvement to their health and wellbeing and is motivated to making suitable modifications to diet to better manage their health issues.