Sandra S., Ann Arbor

Sandra S., Ann Arbor

IBS – Diarrhea, High blood pressure, Cognitive Decline, Sugar Addiction and Weight Management Aarti Batavia has done for me what many doctors did not. Aarti seeks to determine root causes of disease and treats them, not just the symptoms. I came to her with...
Pamela H.

Pamela H.

Excess Weight, Metabolic Syndrome, High Blood Pressure and Diarrhea Before working with Aarti, I struggled to lose weight and manage my high blood pressure. I was also worried about my digestive issues (some foods triggered diarrhea), decline in bone density and...
C. Wilson

C. Wilson

Acid Reflux, IBS – alternating diarrhea and constipation, SIBO Nausea and Difficulty with Sleep When I came to Aarti, I was probably at my lowest point. I was extremely frustrated and confused because I had been seeing another holistic doctor who had done testing and...
Christine R.

Christine R.

IBS – Diarrhea, Abdominal Pain, Excess Weight, and Bloating My son has had gastrointestinal issues since he started public school in kindergarten. Pizza day was always the worst. We struggled through and finally during his sophomore year of high school he could...