by Nutrition and Wellness Consulting LLC | Jan 20, 2012 | Blog, Recipes
Oil -1 Tbsp Ginger (crushed) – 1 Tbsp Garlic (crushed) – 2 cloves Sesame seeds – 1Tbsp Peanuts – ¼ cup Watercress leaves (cleaned de-stemmed and chopped) -4-5 cups Purple cabbage (chopped) – 3 cups Mung bean sprouts – 1 cup Vinegar – 1 ½...
by Nutrition and Wellness Consulting LLC | Jan 13, 2012 | Blog
Gastrointestinal diseases are near and dear to my heart, both as an RD and personally. Not many folks escape this life without having a GI issue, OR, a downstream effect of a GI issue. Let me give a few examples. You have migraine headaches but maybe didn’t know...
by Nutrition and Wellness Consulting LLC | Jan 8, 2012 | Blog
I frequently have patients with the diagnosis of “irritible bowel syndrome” or IBS come to see me. Most of them tell me that they were not really given any type of dietary guidelines but were simply put on an antidepressant drug. However when I take a closer look at...
by Nutrition and Wellness Consulting LLC | Jan 1, 2012 | Blog
Celiac disease (CD), also called gluten-sensitive enteropathy or nontropical sprue, is a unique autoimmune disorder which results from the interaction between gluten and immune, genetic and environmental factors. Originally CD was considered as a malabsorption...