Carrot Beet Probiotic Beverage

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Carrot Beet Probiotic Beverage

Water – 8 cups
Carrots (orange or purple) – 2 medium, peeled and julienned
Beetroot – 1, peeled and julienned
Green Chilies – to taste, slit.( I added  1 small)
Powdered Mustard Seeds – 1 1/2Tbsp
Salt – 11/2  Tsp or to taste
Red Chili Powder (optional)– 1 Tsp


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1. In a clean pitcher or bottle with a lid, preferably glass or ceramic, add all of the ingredients and mix well. Do not use plastic bottles or pitchers.

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2. Cover and keep the pitcher in the sun for 3-4 days, stirring at least once daily with a clean spoon.























3. Once fermented, taste the kanji. When it’s ready it gives a tangy and fermented taste. I taste it daily just to understand the change in flavor, its food chemistry in action! Store the kanji in the refrigerator.

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4. Serve chilled. Mix before serving. Carrots, Beets and Green Chilies can be eaten.


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November 2, 2016