Aarti Batavia | Nutrition Wellness Consulting

Nourish and nurture your inner being


Heal Your Gut!

I frequently have patients with the diagnosis of “irritible bowel syndrome” or IBS come to see me. Most of them tell me that they were not really given any type of dietary guidelines but were simply put on an antidepressant drug. However when I take a closer look at...

Gluten and You

Celiac disease (CD), also called gluten-sensitive enteropathy or nontropical sprue, is a unique autoimmune disorder which results from the interaction between gluten and immune, genetic and environmental factors. Originally CD was considered as a malabsorption...

Know Your Mung Beans

Know Your Mung Beans

Mung beans (green gram seeds) are commonly used in Southeast Asian cooking- India, Thailand, China, Burma, Japan  and Korea. It is an excellent source of protein and is almost free from flatulence-causing factors. Because of this, mung beans are preferred for feeding...

Non Dairy Milk Alternatives

In my private practice I often see some patient's sensitive, allergic or intolerant to diary. I too am not a great fan of diary either.  In this blog let us glance at non-dairy milk options that are available . 1. Rice milk - The fortified versions offer vitamins A,...

Brown Rice Medley

Brown Rice Medley

Brown Rice Medley Ingredients: 11/2 Tbsp Olive oil 1 Bay leaf 3 cloves Garlic (finely chopped) 4-5 Cloves 9-10 peppercorns 5 All-spice (whole) 1 tsp Oregano (dried) 1 tsp Basil (dried) 5-6 Baby Portabella Mushrooms(sliced) or any kind of mushrooms 1 cup Trader Joe's...

Grain Pilaf

The comfort of pilaf with the adventure of a new grain! Look at your diet sheet to guide your choices. Select an allowed oil, vegetable, and spice/flavoring, and allowed broth or water. Dice vegetable finely Heat oil until it sizzles when a small drop of water is...

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